Gallery  of change, movement, transformation

                              The following pictures are static position of different configurations of individual nets. There are a number of different systems and a variety of positions to each to indicate how much they can move and change configurations. What you do not get is the extraordinary ease with which they move.

They are made with 10" bamboo sticks held together with rubber tubing. Some are colored with fabric dye in a variety of ways. Towards the bottom there is a system that is woven using drinking straws and held together with kite string.

          p1bcrop.jpg    p1acrop.jpg


1200 bamboo sticks woven in sets of 12.  Bundled it mesures a 10"x10"x10" block. There  are 100 joints in this system that when open spread over 7 square feet.




These are a few variations of reconfiguring the open net.




rsp2b.jpg                023_23.edt rs p2f.jpg

Here are pictures of various positions of the same system of 100 joints where one half are bamboo sticks and the other half are stainless steel rods.


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    038_38.edt rs p3f.jpg

These two pictures show a linear system where single joints of 2 sets of 3 sticks are joined in a cubic unit. It is made with dyed bamboo sticks and black rubber connectors. One end is filled in with smaller joints creating density at higher frequency. 

   040_40.edt rs p3g.jpg

         002_2.edt rs 4a.jpg

To the left is the bundle of sticks where each joint is reduced in size as each ring or layer moves towards the center. The other pictures are of the bundle opened and reformed in a few of the many possible reconfigurations.

009_9.edt rs p4b.jpg
                              004_4.edt rs p4c.jpg 013_13.edt rs p4d.jpg

3 stick/4 set joints are used. Each six

concentric rings are twelve joins around

012_12.edt rs p4f.jpg 003_3.a. edt rs p4e.jpg

006_6.edt rs p4g.jpg

034_34.b edt rs p5a.jpg

Woven dyed bamboo sticks bundled into a bi-tetrahedron arrangement with opposite ends truncated. Each tetrahedron is formed using joints of 3 sticks/2 sets. Three joints are arranged into a triangle ring. There are eight layers of decreasing stick lengths. One is dyed light and the other dark. They are joined by a common triangle plane, as you would find with two solid tetrahedra joined face-to-face. Opened and compressed flat it forms two triangles joined on a common edge as seen below.

       001_1.b.edt rs p5e.jpg

    037_37.b.edt rs p5c.jpg 036_36.b.edt rs p5b.jpg

       035_35.b.edt rs p 5d.jpg Dsc00143.edt.2. rs p5f.jpg

         008_8.edt rs p6a.jpg 012_12.edt rs p6b.jpg 005_5.edt rs p6h.jpg

Upper left are two views of a triangular prism bundle. Each of the 21 woven joints is 4 sets of 3 sticks in each.

The other pictures show various stages of open configurations of the triangle net. The sticks are dyed bamboo with rubber tube connectors.

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                   010_10.edt rs p6e.jpg

011_11.edt rs p6c.jpg

                   006_6.edt rs p6g.jpg 004_4.edt rs p6f.jpg

016_16.edt2.edt rs p7a.jpg

To the right is pictured a weaving using scissors joints of 3 sticks/2 sets. They are arranged showing the intersecting tetrahedra of the cube. Some of the edge lengths are fractalized by divisions of half filling in the density of the cubic form with smaller scale joints. The movement in this weaving is subtle and undulating.

Below is the same cubic weave without filling in, only longer. There is a gradual decrease in size with each cubic segment.


019_19.edt.2.edt rs p7b.jpg 018_18.edt rs p7c.jpg p7d.jpg p7e.jpg

A sphere made from 3 sticks/3 sets joints. The joints are joined in the five symmetry of the icosahedron. The sphere is strong and compliant at the same time. It does not collapse.

Five joints of 2 sticks/2 sets each, are joined forming a pentagon. Pentagons are joined forming an eleven layer tube.

023_23.edt rs p8b.jpg
020_20.edt. rs p8c.jpg 021_21.edt. rs p8d.jpg

027_27.edt. rs p8e.jpg

This shows an open and collapsed view of a system using 3 stick/3 set joints. Each layer is reduced in number of joints keeping the same length sticks. p8f.jpg

Here is a 3 stick/4 set weave. It is only a small section of the matrix seen in the hundred unit net first seen. The ends of each weave are not all connected, some are left as random linear elements. The bamboo has been dyed various colors. The yellow shows one line the runs continuously through the length of the system. Because of the lightness of these pieces they can be hung on the walls, from the ceiling, and of course arranged on the floor.

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032_32.edt 1. edt rs p9d.jpg p9c.jpg

003_31.edt rs p10a.jpg 001_29.edt rs p10b.jpg 002_30.a.edt rs p10c.jpg

Straws can be woven in the same ways as bamboo sticks. Threading the straws with kit string eliminates having to use rubber connectors. Here is a simple joint of 3 straws/ 2 sets, each joined into a hexagon ring of six joints. Six rings each made with different colored straws when joined together form a hexagon tube. The individual sets are bound on the ends using colored electrical tape.

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